Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Texas Women

The women down here, I am finding, are pretty rough. Not ugly, but rough around the edges. I've never been anywhere before where the women are so sloppy, love food a whole lot and always talk about eating out at different places. Mix this with a gnarly Texas hick accent and it's pretty unattractive. I've also never worked anywhere where the women are as liberal in the rest room as they are here. In the communal women's room, the women fart and go #2 very loudly and proudly. There is no discretion or embarrassment--they're more like men than women.

Monday, February 14, 2005

Welcome to Neverland

I've recently been able to pin-point this pose that my hubby makes when he's had a little too much firewater and is listening intently to a conversation. He stands with his weight on one hip, the opposite foot pointed out, one arm across his torso (parallel to the floor) supporting the elbow of the other arm whose hand is at his mouth. At his mouth, his index finger and thumb have their tips facing eachother. The fingers themselves are horizontal, each one covering a lip of his moulth. All the while, he is moving his hand so that his fingers go back and forth across his lips and has a very honest and focused look on his face. While he is doing this, he much resembles Peter Pan. It's precious.