Thursday, June 23, 2005

Prego Heaven

Just now, Chim pulled up in front of my office building with the most delicious piece of carrot cake. He had been slaving away in our kitchen on this carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. It was breathtaking. Anyway, I came downstairs, went through the large glass doors (the whole front of the building is glass, so everyone near the front can see outside) to our little car where Chim was waiting with a piece of his perfect confection. He rolled down the passenger window. I, with my almost 8-month pregnant frame, leaned through the window. He passed me the plate with the cake and fork on it. I proceeded to enjoy the most gooey, yet well cooked carrot cake with the most whipped and creamy cream cheese frosting ever. I was in Prego heaven. One can only imagine what the employees inside thought--seeing a nearly 8-month pregnant woman leaning half-way through a car window with her butt in the air while scarfing down a giant piece of cake and then going back into the office building. But I don't care. Minnie Bun-Bun would be jealous.


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