Friday, June 03, 2005

Prego Probs

There are 12 weeks left until baby comes. Chim, my mom and I picked out a crib last weekend that will fit in our little apartment and we've been re-arranging for the new arrival. This has been going by both slowly and quickly. Ein starting to get really tired again, so it's getting harder and harder to make it through the work day. By the end of the day, my legs from the knees down are swollen. The weekend before last, I fainted in our bathroom. It was really scary because one minute I had been standing on the bathroom rug, feeling like I was going to be blacking out and about to lie down, and then, the next minute I was three feet away from where I had been standing--only I was lying in the closet. I woke-up lying on my right side on the shoes in my closet with scrapes on my left leg and a bump with a gash on it on the left side of my forehead. The doctor said that my blood pressure had probably been low. The gash has healed rather quickly, now there's just a small scar where it had been.
Last weekend, my sisters had a baby shower/brunch for me with family in Minnesota. Everyone who was there thought that we're having a boy. A 98-year old friend of the family said that as soon as she saw me and the way that I was carrying, she knew that I'm going to be having a boy. Our doctor, however, won't say what we're having because the baby always has its legs so close together in the ultrasounds. He said that he's learned too many times that it's better not to say if you can't see a definite male part. I guess he's delivered babies that they all thought was going to be a girl but ended up being a boy. My dad has always firmly believed that its a girl. All of our female college friends thought unanimously that its a boy. At the beginning of the pregnacy, I kept thinking that it was going to be a boy, but now near the end I've been really into wearing pink.
I even heard a theory that if your leg-hair grows faster than usual when you're pregnant, you're having a boy and if it grows more slowly than usual, you're having a girl. Another one was that if you crave lots of fruity food, you're having a girl. I just want both of us to come out of this healthy.


Blogger Sean Schniederjan RKC said...

and i'm probably not helping much either.

3:40 PM, June 06, 2005

Blogger Badtiming said...

make sure that hot bebe plays soccer at the age of two! my mother saw your sister, the youngest one who used to date that one guy, who is now in the seminary, but she has a GREAT laugh. are you pregnant, bare foot in the kitchen, did you do that yet, if so did you take a picture?????!!!

3:34 PM, June 08, 2005

Blogger SomethingInMyEye said...

the age-old wives tale is that if you're carring it low it's a girl. Or maybe that means it's a boy. I forget. Shoot. Also, they say that if your butt gets WAY bigger, it's a boy. Boys tend to weigh more when they're born, although I was a hefty 9 lb.

7:16 PM, June 29, 2005


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