Daddy likes Jewish Music
The D.J. for the wedding reception called our house today and e-mailed me--trying to get me to submit the week-late music information over the internet. Of course, none of us answered the phone and I haven't responded to her e-mail because the whole music profile is held-up on my dad and I picking out our father-daughter dance song. So, after today's indirect prodding from the D.J., my dad and I sat down to go over the dance selection on the D.J. website. As we were glancing over songs classified as "Traditional," he suddenly perks up, and bolts up in his chair: "OHHHHHHHH, they have 'Hava Nagilah'!" Dad then proceeded to do this goofy dance around the room, exclaiming that it's danced in a line like the "bunny hop" and led by someone who's done it before. He kept saying "OH! It's soooo much fun, Anne Marie!"
So, after asking him what the heck it is and where that kookie name comes from, he said "it's a jewish song." I asked him: "a jewish song at a catholic reception?" And, he said he had been to many catholic receptions where this song was played and that it was soooooo much fun. Thus, the next question this frazzled bride asked was: "are there going to be people at the reception who know how to do this your family or your friends?" But, dad didn't know. Needless to say, we ended up picking out Moon River as our father-daughter dance song.
Moon River is a beautiful song, esp. for a Dad and Daughter dance. But, Have Nagliah is a fun, fun song. I remember the summer before my senior year in HS, 1970, our Concert Band went on a tour of Europe. We participated in a festival and contest in the Netherlands. There were bands and orchestras from all over the world. The New Zealand band fasinated us all with the twirling of their tassels and drum sticks. But the part I remember most was the dance with the Israeli's around a fountain. Although communication was a little difficult, I'll never forget locking arms with Israeli boys and girls and dancing on the rim of a fountain to Have Nagliah (also know as the Horah)! The peace between us could not have come at a better time as the rest of the world was in turmoil. So dance your love song with your Daddy, it is one of the most special moments you'll ever experience. But, when the rowdy crowd gets going, have your D.J. play Hava Nagilah. It doesn't matter if anyone knows the steps, just lock arms with all your friends and family and kick and dance in a counterclockwise circle to the beat of the music. They played the song at my nephew's wedding last summer and within a few minutes the bride and groom were on the shoulders of some very strong men and with wine in hand were danced around the room. Just watch out for chandeliers, lights, etc. Another tradition in NM is the Mexican Wedding march which goes forever but ends with the men paying the father to dance with his daughter. You could skip the march and just have the "dance with my daughter part". The money of course goes to the newly wedded couple. A very profitable dance, a few seconds with each person and a little gift to help start your life together.
Married life is full of surprises, thank God you have all your friends to make it more confusing. Love, Kitty
8:18 PM, September 27, 2004
P.S. I was going to post a link to your blogsite on my site but didn't know if you would want me to. Let me know when you have time, it's your choice. Kitty
8:21 PM, September 27, 2004
anne marie- you should take mrs kitty up on that offer. it will be great publicity for ein tired. thanks k:)
9:40 PM, September 27, 2004
Kitty--Thank you for the feedback about Have Nagilah. I've added it to the song list now. My dad is going to go nuts (he doesn't know that I did it). Otherwise, I don't mind at all if you put a link on your Blog--by the way, what is your blog website address???
6:10 AM, September 28, 2004
relax K, I'll handle this one.... its
6:33 AM, September 28, 2004
You are officially linked! And your Dad will love that you chose to have that song and dance at the party. Wish I could be there, but know that you both will be in our thoughts. God Bless, Kitty
5:05 PM, September 28, 2004
God Bless you too.
8:38 PM, September 28, 2004
Would you please email me a physical (snail mail) address where I could send a small token of my affection for both of you? God bless, Kitty:)
9:16 PM, September 30, 2004
Oooh! Moon River! Makes me cry it's so pretty. I've nevr heard of that for the father daughter dance, but that sounds lovely.
7:47 AM, October 02, 2004
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